As a retired professor emeritus, author, and educational consultant, Russ continues to be active in writing science fiction, crossword puzzles based on science themes, and some educational nonfiction.
Non-Fiction (non-technical) publication list.
Russ has retired from teaching geology, planetary science, and meteorology at Minnesota State University Moorhead where he founded degree programs in Geosciences, Earth Science Teaching, Environmental Geology, Environmental Geography, and a certificate program in Water Quality Science. He established the experimental petrology and electron microprobe laboratories there. His research interests included the study of the chemistry of silicate melts, particularly as they applied to problems in lunar or planetary volcanism, with some diversions into dinosaurs, archaeology, and environmental science.
Russ's job history is found here
Technical papers written by undergraduate students under Russ's supervision can be found here.
A list of Russ's technical and peer reviewed research papers is found here