Russell O. Colson
Professor of Geology, Emeritus
Department of Anthropology and Earth Science
Minnesota State University Moorhead
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Courses taught during my tenure at MSUM:
I have now retired from MSUM, and no longer offer most of the courses below, although I continue to offer the online courses as requested, and offer a number of workshop for MN earth science teachers.
I tried to provide
challenges for students at a variety of difficulty levels to stretch all students out of their
comfort zone and still be fun. I also wanted my classes to give students,
not just "facts" about geology but to give them an understanding of
how a geologist reasons and how we read the stories written in the fabric of
I developed and taught the following in-person classes:
Geos 102 Geology in the National Parks with 2-day field trip
Geos 110L Physical Geography Lab
Geos 115 Physical Geology and 115L, Physical Geology Lab and field trips
Geos 116 Historical Geology, with lab and 2-day field trip
Geos 170 Earth Science Today with labs and field trips
Geos 302 Mineralogy and Petrology with labs
Geos 302b Mineralogy with labs
Geos 303 Petrology with labs and 2-day field trip
Hon 314 Space, Time, and Change: revolutions in our self perception. This was a course for honors students examinning the scientific bases for three big discoveries of the 1800s, space is big, time is long, and everything changes, within a religious and cultural context
Geos 330 Elementary Meteorology with labs and writing intensive
Geos 340 Economic and Environmental Geology, with labs and 2-day field trip
Geos 360 Planetary Science with labs
Geos 370 Structural Geology and Mapping, with labs and 2-day field trip
Geos 415 Reading Geochemical Fingerprints with problem sets and labs
Geos 480 Senior Seminar
I developed, produced, wrote, offered, and continue to offer the following online self-study courses. The materials for these courses are available online for free starting at (EarthSci4Teachers)
Geos 209L Problems in Introductory Geology
Geos 211L Problems in Water Land and People
Geos 304L Problems in Mineralogy and Petrology
Geos 361L Problems in Planetary Science
Geos 417L Problems in Geochemistry
Geos 499/599 Earth Science Essentials (for in-service science teachers)
Geos 499/599 Earth Science Extras (for in-service science teachers)
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last update: 11/27/2023